
Tuesday 31 July 2012

State govt to nominate three candidates for GTA

SNS, KOLKATA, 31 JULY 2012: The state government will nominate three candidates for the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA), Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha (GJMM) chief Mr Bimal Gurung said today at Writers’ Buildings.
He said this after an hour-long meeting with chief minister Mamata Banerjee.
Earlier, the GJMM had decided to nominate five candidates for the GTA.
A 50-member body will run the GTA and another five nominated candidates will be included in the body. Out of the five nominated members, two will be nominated by the GJMM. They will be from the Terai and Dooars areas.
When asked whether Mr John Barla and Ms Sabitri Rai from the Dooars will be included in the body, Mr Gurung said the GJMM will make an announcement regarding their inclusion soon.
The elections was held for 45 seats of the GTA and 28 of the GJMM candidates won uncontested. All the elected candidates will take the oath on 4 August. Chief minister Mamata Banerjee and Union minister P Chidambaram will attend the oath-taking ceremony.
Asked whether Mr P Chidambaram will attend the ceremony, as he has become the Union finance minister, Mr Gurung said they would invite him as he was behind the formation of GTA in the Hills.
Mr Gurung said the case filed by Mr Subhash Ghising, the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) leader was also discussed in the meeting today.


The Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh mourns the passing away of Colonel B S Rana, staunch Gorkha stalwart and president of the Punjab state unit of the BGP. Ailing for some time now, Colonel Rana was suddenly taken ill and rushed to Chandigarh from his home in Pathankot. He passed away at the hospital there in the late afternoon of July 30. The funeral will be held in Pathankot on July 31. Colonel Rana is survived by his wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. Colonel Rana, who was also the vice-president of BGP's Zone IV, was a tireless worker and a sincere, positive personality. Saying he had lost a "good friend", BGP Working President Rev Dr Enos Das Pradhan described Colonel Rana as "one of the pillars of the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, especially in western and northern India." The entire Parisangh family condoles the passing way of Colonel B S Rana and prays that God grant rest to his soul and peace and comfort to his family.
nfef ahf/, ko{6g s]Gb| :yn / o;sf Pltxfl;s tYox? .

k) uDeL/ /fO{ clUgxf]त्री 

 nfef , sflnDkf]ª zx/nb]lv ;'Gb/ k"j kl§ #@ ls) ld) 6f8fdf ag h+unsf] dWodf cjl:yt 5, of] nfef ahf/ o;sf] pRrfO{ &@)) lkm6 5 . @)/#) aif{cl3 ;Dd oxfF hgjf/L lt/ ;fn} lkR5] 8]8,b'O{ lkm6 afSnf] lxpF kYof] .
                P]ltxfl;s tYo cg';f/ xfd|f] sfn]a'ª ;a l8lehg e"6fgsf] bvndf 5Fbf 8flnd u9Laf6 bfd;f+ª u9L hftnfO{ ef]6fª] 8'Skfx? r]vvf]nf jf/L kmfk/ v]tL , s"jfkfgL / kfl:6gsf] yfKnf]d fag h+un leq lx8g]{ uf]/]6f] af6f] agfP/ lxF8bf dfemdf kg]{ of] 7fpF ;fgf] tfuL lyP5 .  
        w]/} kl5 ;g\ !*&( ;fnlt/ a[l6z / e"6fg lardf ePsf] l;Gr'nf ;GwL cg';f/ 8'j;{ nufot xfd|f] sfn]a'ªnfO{ lnh xf]N8 ztdf e"6fgn] a[l6znfO{ lbP5 . To;a]nf b]lv of] ;fgf] tfuL 7fFpsf] jl/kl/sf ?vx? 9fnkmfF8 u/L w]/} kmfl6Fnf] lemlnln le/fnf] d}bfg lgsn] kl5 To; gfË] 6f/df b'O rf/ 3/ dflg;x? cfO{cfn'/f]k]/ a:g nfu]5g\ .
        To;} a]nf gfË]6f/sf] pQ/ kl§ #/$ dfO{n pFwf] h+un kf/ u/]/ embf{ sn]a'ª -sf]nfvfd_ uFfp k'luG5 To; ufpFdf /fO{x? cfO{ sltn] n]krfsf] hdLg lsg]/ sltn] h+un kmFf8]/ hdLg bvn u/L a:g yfn] 5g\ . tL dWo] o; sndLsf afRg] klg Pshgf lyP5g\ .
        To;/L sfn]a'ª clg 8fUof]Ë lt/ ;fO{x? a;] kl5 ^/& hgf d/bx? Ldn]/ ToxL gfË] 6f/sf] d'lgsf] h+undf /fgL uf]k]sf] dfnf agfP/ efn" v]b\g' hfg] uy]{ /] . h+undf leq efn" b]lv kl5 To;sf] lk5f ub}{ ;a}hgf efnf tfs]/ hfFbf efn" kms]{/ hfgnfUbf km]l/ v]b\g yfNYof] /] .
        To;f] ubf{ s'g} lbg efn" dfy]{/] s'g} lbg efn" pDs]/ 8fF8f sf6]/ uPkl5 gfË] 6f/s} km]bkl§sf] cUnf] 8fF8fdf -hxfF clxn]uf]Dkfsf] u'kmf ejg 5 _ la;fP/ cfh yfK;f nfu]5 eGb} efnfx? kmofFs]/ gfË] 6f/sf]   kfgjfNjL /fOgL lbbLsf] u'8Ldf hfF8 vfP/ 3/ kmls{Gy] /] .
        o:t} s|odf Pslbg cf7 eO{ e]nf eO{ efnf lnP/ h+un k;]5g\ h+un leq aft dfb}{ lgs} dfly k'Ubf crfgs Pp6f efn"n] larsf] dfG5]nfO{ cfs|d0f u/]/ lkmnf lt/ rfvdf xfFp xfFp ub}[ lryf]{g' yfn]5 . Tof] dfG5] rflxF dnfO{ df/of], P]Rof P]Rof eg]/ s/fPsf] s/fPs} u/]5 . csf]{n] rflxF l56f] efnfn] 3f]Rof]eg]sf] cfltP/ efnf efnf efnf eg]/ cfkm\gf] efnf  7"6fdfly k5fb}}{efnf lr/}lr/f ePsf]klg To/nfO{ kQf] ePg5 . csf]{ b'O{ efO ;"/f] hjfgz?n] b'O kl§ af6 efn"sf] k]6df efnf c;fO{ lbbfF efn" d/]5 . t/ 3fOt] AolQm P]Rof eg]/ s/fsf] s/fs} . Ps l5g kl5 ;a}nfO{ xf]; cfP5 / tLg efOn] kfnf] lknf] 3fOt] dfG5] af]s]5 , rf/ efOn] nfdf] sf7df em'08ofP/ efn" af]s]/ 3/ k'/ofP5g\ .
                To;kl5 dlxgf lbg ;Dd s]xL klg r6\k6fPg 5g\ . 8]8 dlxgf k'Ubf 3fOt] dfG5] klg la:tf/} lx8F\8'n ug]{ ePkl5 km]l/ c? ;ft efO efnf tfg]/ efn" v]bg' uP5g\ . t/ To; lbg ltgLx?n] efn"sf] d'8nf ;Dd klg ge]6\bf ToxL efnf kmofFls/fVg] 8fF8fdf cf cfKfmgf uf]k]sf] efnf kmofFs]/ la;fPsf a]nfdf Ps efOn] cl:tsf] s'/f lgsfNb} To;lbg 3f]Rg' g;3fP/ lsg efnf efnf eGb} ltdL s/fsf] xf}’’ eg]/ To; AolQmnfO{ ;f]Wbf 8/n] d t cfltP/ Psf]]xf]/f] eP5' gL ‘’’ To;f] eGbf csf]{ t];|f] AolQmn] d}n] efnf t xf]Og nfef nfef kf] eg]sf] ;'g]F . To;f] eg]sf] ;'Gbf ;a} htf unn xfF;]5g\ . clg To;}n] of] efnf kmFofsg] 8fF8f ca nfef eGg' k5{ eg]/ eGbf rf}yf] AolQmn] To;f] ef gfË]6f/ klg nfefg} eof] eg]/ eg] kl5 ;a} hgf gfË]6f/df hfF8 vfbF} c?x?nfO{ klg gfË]6f/sf] nfef gfd ePsf] s'/f ;'gfP5g\ .
        To;sf] s]xL lbg kl5 ag ljefun] nfefsf] l;/df Pp6f 8fs aªnf] atfP5 . To;} ;dodf kfl:6gsf] yfKnf]df h+un leq hfFbf uf]/]6f] lyof] To;}sf] 5]pdf csf]{ aËnf] atfP5 .
        To;t} ;g\ !**$ ;fn lt/ a[l6z ;/sf/n] uf]?ayfg\ cDa]s , r]n vf]nf jf/L kmfk/v]tL, sjf kfgL x'Fb} kfl:6g aËnf] glhsaf6 ToxL k'/fgf] uf]/]6f] af6f]nfO{ s]xL a9fP/ 3f]8] ;8sdf kl/0ft ub}{ nfefsf] 6f/af6 l5/fP/ cKk/ nbfdsf] b]j/fnL ptf h+un} h+un t]5f]{ nu]/ ,ldl/s, afn'jf vfgL, cnu8f k'/ofO{ Tot} af6f] sfn]a'ª 6f]sfP5 .
To; kl5 nfefdf ;8ss} lsgf/fdf ofqLx?sf nflu ;/sf/L d';flkm/ u[x agfO lbPsf] lyof] ..
        clxn] ;Tog/fo0f dlGb/ ePsf] glHhsdf lk) 8An" a+ufn klg lgld{t lyof] . Tof] eGbf s]xL ;do cl3 nfefsf] If]qnfO{ km/]i6af6 dflg;x? cfphfp ug{ nfUbf */( hgf l76fx? klg hDdf ePsf] b]v]/ sfn]a'ªd]s kmn]g{ ldl;cf]g]/L ;+:yfaf6 Pp6f ;fgf] :s"n lrq] 3/df :yflkt ul/Psf] lyP5 . h"g :s"nsf rf/ hgf 5fqx?sf gfd o; sndLn] ;'g]sf] lyof] . Hf:t}  o; sndLsf lktf :j) ho axfb'/ /fOP, :yfgLo :j)uh{dfg ;'Aaf, z]kf{6f/af6 :j) axfb'/ l;+x z]kf{ / t'nf/fd /fO{ lyP .
Kf9fOsf] dfWod lxGbL x'gsf] sf/0f rfFlx of] xfd|f] bfhL{lnªnfO{ lnlk ldNg] laxf/sf] efunk'/ l;t ufe]sf lyP5 . 3/L a+ufn l;t 3/L laxf/ l;t ufEb} bf];|f] kN6 ufEbf ;g\ !(!@ ;Dd} efunk'/df lyP5 .  bfhL{lnª\u t];|f] kN6 a+ufndf k'gM uEgsf nflu ltgtfssf a+ufnsf n]km\6]g]08 ueg/ bfhL{lnª cfpg kbf{ l;nfu9L b]lv uf]?ayfgaf6 3f]8fdf s"jfkfgL, kfl:6gsf] yfKnf] ag;+un leqsf] 3f]8] ;8s eP/ nfef lgSnL sfn]a'ª xN6 u/]/ bfhL{lnª k'u]5g\ .
nfefsf] a9\bf] k|ult cg';f/ ;g\ !($) b]lv oxfF w]/} kl/jt{g cfof] . :j) axfb'/ l;+x zf]kf{n] bO tn] 7"nf] kSsf 3/ agfP kl5 cnu8faf6 laxf/L bf]sfg]x? nfef cfP/ ToxL 3/ ls/fodf lnO{ bf]sfg rnfpg nfu] . nfef jf/Lkf/Lsf ufpFx?af6 h+un kf/ u/L cfkm\gf af/Ldf pdf/]sf ;fu ;AhL 3Lp ,5'kL{ nfefdf las|L ug{ Nofpg ;'? u/] . o;f] x'Fbf d+unaf/sf] lbg oxfF xf6 nfUg yfNbf a:tLaf6 /fzg sf8{ bf]sfg klg nfef d} ;fl/of] .
nfefsf] :s"n aGb ePsf] $) jif{ kIrft ;g\ !(%) df oxfFsf hgtfx?sf k|of;n] nfef u[x;ldlt ;+:yf v8f u/L u}/ ;/sf/L k|fylds :s"n ;'?cft ul/of] . lzIfssf] ?kdf oxL sndL vl6Psf] lyof] .
ljut ;g\ !(^@ ;fn lt/ ef/t rLgsf] ljrdf o'4 5]l8of] ToxL df}sfdf nfef / uf]?ayfg lar uf8Lsf] ;8s kmf}hLx? 4f/f b|t ultdf lgdf0f{ eof] . o;n] ubf{ nfefsf] hg cfjfbL c? a9]/ uof] . ag ljefun] cfkm\gf] If]q leq /]~h Dofg]h/ , la6 clkm;/ / km/]i6 uf8{x?sf lglDt y'k|} y'k|} ejgx? Lgdf0f{ u/L :yfoL ?kn] clws[tx? A:g nfu] .
;g\ !(** df bfuf]kfk :yflkt eP kIrft ce]u ufpFx?nfO{ nfef l;t hf]8\g uf8Lsf] ;8s lgdf0f{ ul/P . o;af6 ljz]if sf]naf]ª(sf]dnfvfd) 8fUof]+u ufpFx? nfeflTjt eP . nfefsf] hg cfjflb c? a9]/ ag ljefusf If]qnfO{ klg ldr]sf 5g\ .
o; nfefnfO{ ko{6g :yn agfpgdf oxfFsf Ps ;dfh;]jL >L km"g/ zf]kf{ k|oTg ;kmn ePsf] 5 .

o;} l;nl;nfdf ;g\ !(($ lt/ o; sndLsf 5f]/L h"jfOF ;'v]Gb' kfn (kfn afa") n] 6'l/i6x?sf lglDt sdg afy?d eGbf sf]7fdf P6]r afy?d g} dg k/fpF5g\ egL ;'emfj lbO{ gd"gfsf] nflu o; sndLsf] 3/sf] dflyNnf] tnfsf tLg6} sf]7fdf P6]h afy?d kfgLsf] aGbf]a:t u/L nfef u]i6 xfp; sf] gfdn] nfefdf k|yd nhsf] lgdf0f{ eof] . o;sf] lj1fkg a+unf b}lgs / ;fKtflxs k]k/df lbP/ ko{6sx?sf dg cfs{lift ug{ ;kmn eof] . ko{6sx? o;/L snsQfaf6 nfef cfpg yfn] kl5 lbgdf b'O /ftdf rf/ eg] h:tf] u/L P6]h afy?d ePsf] xf]6n nhx? Wdfwd lgdf0f{ ul/g nfu] . ltgLx?sf gfd o;/L 5g\ . h:t} === o"lgs O{g, ofª\sL l/;6{, xf]6n /s lep, xf]6n Kof/f8fOh, xf]6n n]af]lgof, xf]60f{, xf]6n Snfl:;s, xf]6n dw'jg, xf]6n lepkf]OG6, xf]6nkfs{/ x]6n b]ljsf, xf]6n laxf/ laGb' , xf]6n uLtf~hnL, g]p/f u]i6 xfp;\ l8:g] u]i6 xfp;, gy' u]i6 xfp;, rf]Oh u]i6 xfp;\, lxn6k ldpKofn];, u|Lg Tofn]z kfg j]h u'Kt 6l/i6 nh, u'?ª nh, cls{8 xf]6n P08 /]i6/]06, lk) lk) /]i6'/]06 , ;fl/sf xf]6n P08 /\]i6'/]06, Snfl:;s /]i6'/]06, l6a]6 xf]5n Pj8 /]i6'/]08 .
 xf]6n /f]on Kofn]; . l;Gr'nf l/l6«6 cflb 5g\ . oL afx]s bfuf]kfk 4f/f lgld{t y'k|} 6'l/i6 s6]hx? Klg 5g\ . km/]i6n] klg nfefsf] yfKnf]df b'O6f OUnf]xf]d Pp6f b'O tn] 8f]d]{6f]/L xn clg h+un leq (/!) j6f dl;gf x6x? / Pp6f g]r/n OG6{lk|6]zg ;]06/ agfPsf 5g\ . clg 7'nf] /f]i6 xfp; klg 5 .
nfefahf/sf] kmf]bL jf d'lg kl6\6 nfef xfO{ :s"n k|fOd/L :s"n vf]nf6f/, ;fd'bflos ejg 5g\ . d"n ;8ssf] lsgf/fdf nfefsf] cfs{ifs bz{gLo :yfg ltAatL u'+kf If]q leq k:g] ltAatLo af:t' snk"0f{ a[xt k|j]z 4f/ 5 . leq k;]/ s]xL pFef] a9\bf 7"nf] 3'dfpg] dfg] u[x, clg To;sf] leQf kl6\6 dl;gf k]uf]8fsf] cfsf/df agfOPsf ;ft j6f / Pp6f dlGb/sf] cfsf/df agfOPsf 5of]t]g{x? 5g\ . To;}sf] gl;s nfdf ljBfyL{x?sf lglDt kfFr tn] a[xt\ 5fqaf; / 5}6f}+ tnfdf ;fgf] uf]Dkf g} lgldt{ 5g\ To;sf] s]xL dfly nfdfx?sf ljBfno clg k|f+u0fdf 7"nf] y]s5]lnª sfUo" uf]Dkf agfOPsf] 5 . To; leq nfef ljBfyL{x?n] dGq kf7 u5{g\ . To;sf] k5fl8 w]/} dfly 8fF8fdf hxfF k'Ugk'u 8]8 ;o jif{ cl3 efn" lzsf/L /fO{x?n] uf]k]sf dfnfx?sf u'kmfu[x agfPsf 5g\ .
sfUo" uf]Dkfsf] k|fu+0fsf] 7"nf ejgdf csf]{ k|sf/sf uf]Dkf b]jtfyfg klg agfPsf 5g\ .
nfef 5fqaf; dlg kl6\6 d"n ;8ss} l8n dfly lzjdlGb/ cjl:yt 5 . nfef d6/ :6fof08 dflyNnf] tnfdf >L;Togf/fo0f dlGb/ lgld{t 5 .
nfefsf] lzj dlGb/ b]lv kzj{ kl6\6 a9]/ hfFbf sf]Kr] ufpF e]l6G5 . ToxfF b]lv pQ/ k"j{ pFwf] !* ls)ld) sf]nfvfd km]bLdf k|fs[lts dgf]/d 5fFu] vf]nfsf] 5fFuf / 9'ª\u] 8f]F8 h:tf] vf]lnPsf] sf]k|] 5fFuf] / lardf 9'ª\ufs} uf]nf] k/]sf] gfu bx x]g{ nfos 5 .
nfefsf] l;/ kl6\6 w]/} dfly cUnf] 8fF8fdf /ldt] l6lkmg lxn 5 . hxfFaf6 l;lSsd / To;sf] d's'6 s~hghª\uf / zfvf lxdfnox? 5n+3 b]lvG5 .
ToxL l6lkmg lxnsf] dlg kl6\6 k|l;4 l/;fk 6'l/i6 ;]G6/x? v]lvG5g\ . nfefsf] lzjdlGb/ b]lv k"j{ lt/ sf]Kr] e]l6G5 . ToFxfaf6 uf]?ayfg hfg] d"n ;8snfO{ 5f]8]/ b]a|] kl6\6sf] sRrf ;8s v]b]/ hfFbf clnslt k/ e]l6g] kmf6saf6 b]a|] lt/sf] sf]nfvfd hfg] ;8snfO{ 5f]8]/ pFef] hfg] bflxg] ;8saf6 hfFbf s]xL 6f8f ;Dd uf8Lsf] ;8s nu]sf] 5 . ToxfFaf6 k}bn w]/} 6f8fdf g]p/f Go:gn kfs{ k'luG5 . To;sf] w]/} dfly ())) lkm6 prfOsf] /r]nf 8fF8fdf tLg ;Ldfgfsf] wLk (lqkfO{) 5 . h:n] a+ufn, l;lSsd / e"6fgnfO{ 5'6\ofPsf] 5 . slt alnof ;fxl;s ko{6sx? ToFxf k'u]/ pQm tLg ;Ldfg] wLkdf k'u]/ kmf]6f] lvFrfpF 5g\ .
Nfefaf6 @$ ls)ld) 6f8fdf nf]n]ufpF (skm]/) ko{6g :yn kzluG5 . ToxfF klg y'k|} xf]6n nhx? Ag]sf 5g\ . hxfF h+un leq ?vdf em'08]sf k"n / /fO{lh ;g x]g]{ :yn klg 5 .
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सञ्चबीरले दोह्रोर्‍याएको इतिहास र विमलको विर्ता

(अनिल तेलैजा)ः45 वटा समष्टिमा 45 वटै आसन सजिलै जित्छु नत्र राजनीतिबाट सन्यास लिन्छु भन्ने मोर्चा प्रमुख विमल गुरूङलाई दॉंतमा ढुंगा त्यो बेला लाग्यो जब उनकै छत्र छॉंयामा राजनीतिको दाउपेच सिकिरहेका एकजना अञ्जान युवकले आफ्नै दलका उपाध्यक्षको विरूद्धमा चुनाउ लड़्‌ने अड्डी कसे। जीटीए चुनाउमा सञ्चबीर सुब्बाको उपस्थितिसितै मोर्चाको सम्पूर्ण समीकरण बिग्रियो। विपक्षीहरूले खुल्ला छोड़ेको चुनाउ मैदान तृणमूल कंग्रेसले पनि मोर्चाको बाटो छेकेन। अघिबाटै 28 वटा आसनमा निर्विरोध भइसकेको मोर्चाको हातमै जीटीए व्यवस्था जाने निश्चित भइसके तापनि वर्षौं आन्दोलन गरेर भित्र्याएको व्यवस्थाको पहिलो चुनाउमै आफ्नैहरूबाट चुनौती खप्नु परेकोले यो मोर्चालाई ग्राह्य भइरहेको छैन। दार्जीलिङको राजनैतिक इतिहासलाई पल्टाएर हेर्नु हो भने पनि विरोधको स्वरहरू कालेबुङबाटै धेरै उठ्‌ने गरेको पाइन्छ। दागोपाप गठनको समय सुवास घिसिङको नजिकको सहयात्री मानिएको छत्र सुब्बाले गरेको विद्रोह होस्‌ या घिसिङकै दाहिने हात मानिने सीके प्रधानले गरेको विद्रोह,दुवै कालेबुङबाटै उठेका थिए। गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले पनि पटक पटक कालेबुङ मोर्चाभित्रैबाट असन्तुष्टि र विरोधको स्वरहरू सुन्न परिरहेको छ। यही असन्तुष्टिबीच भङ्ग भएको मोर्चा कालेबुङ महकुमा समिति अझै अस्तित्वमा आउन सकिरहेको छैन। मोर्चा प्रमुख स्वयंले कालेबुङलाई मात्र धेरै गुटबाजी भएको भन्दै रिस पोख्ने गरेको पाइन्छ। उनले आफ्नो हरेक सभामा कालेबुङका नेतृत्वहरूले सही नेतृत्व दिन नसकेको आरोप लगाउने गर्छन्‌। कालेबुङमा ठूलो ठूलो छात्ती भएको नेताहरू छन्‌। तर राम्रो नेता भने एउटै छैन भनेर जनसभामै गुरूङले कालेबुङको नेतृत्व क्षमतामाथि धेरैचोटि प्रश्न उठाइसकेका छन्‌। कालेबुङ मोर्चाभित्रको रड़ाकोलाई साम्य पार्दै एकल नेतृत्व स्थापना गर्नु नै दलको केन्द्रिय समिति सहसचिव विनय तामाङलाई कालेबुङको नेतृत्व सुम्पन परेको पनि मोर्चा प्रमुखले निर्धक्क स्वीकारी सकेका छन्‌। तर यति हुँदा हुँदै पनि विद्रोहको आगोलाई विनय तामाङले पनि साम्य पार्न सकेनन्‌। अन्य समष्टि भन्दा धेर तृणमूल प्रार्थी कालेबुङबाटै चुनाउ मैदानमा छन्‌। 9 जना तृणमूल प्रार्थीहरूले कालेबुङ महकुमाबाट नामाङ्कन भरेका छन्‌।
जबकि यसको तुलनामा दार्जीलिङ र खरसाङबाट केवल 4-4 जना तृणमूल प्रार्थीहरूले मात्र नामाङ्कन भरे। अहिले आएर तृणमूल प्रार्थीहरूले चुनाउ नलड्ने घोषणा गरे पनि 41 नम्बर निम्बोङ गीतडाब्लिङ समष्टिबाट उठेको विद्रोहको रापले मोर्चालाई नपोलि छोड़ेन। आफ्नो समष्टि भन्दा 41 नम्बर समष्टिको ज्वरो आफूलाई धेरै लागेको 42 समष्टिका मोर्चा प्रार्थी एवं मोर्चा स्टडी फोरम सदस्य डा.आरबी भूजेलले एक सभामा स्वीकारी सकेका छन्‌। मोर्चा अध्यक्षको आदेश अनुरूप आफू पनि 41 समष्टिमा गएर उपाध्यक्ष कल्याण देवानको समर्थनमा चुनाउ प्रचार गर्ने पनि उनले बताएका छन्‌। केही दिन अघि अध्यक्ष गुरूङ पनि यो समष्टिमा पुगेका थिए भने कालेबुङ बसुञ्जेल उनले सञ्चबीर सुब्बालाई कहिले अल्टिमेटम दिएर, कहिले फकाएर शान्त गराउने कोशिश गरिबसे। यसरी मोर्चाको सम्पूर्ण शक्ति अहिले सञ्चबीर सुब्बालाई शान्त गराउनमा खर्च भइरहेको छ। यद्धपि 41 को आगो भने अझै निभ्ने छॉंट छैन। विज्ञहरू यो विद्रोहलाई विगतमा सुवास घिसिङले अप्नाएको एकजनालाई झण्डा र अर्कोलाई आशीर्वाद दिने रणनीतिकै पुुनरावृत्ति पनि हुनसक्ने शंका गर्छन्‌। सञ्चबीरलाई तत्काल पार्टीबाट ननिकालिनु, उनलाई हरतरहले मनाउने प्रयास गरिनु , मोर्चाकै केही शीर्ष नेतृत्वहरूमाथि सञ्चबीरलाई सघाइरहेको आरोप लाग्नु र सञ्चबीर स्वयंले आफूलाई 3 अगस्तको दिन मोर्चाकै प्रार्थी हुन्छु भन्ने घोषणा गर्नुले पनि यस्तो शंकालाई हावा दिइरहेको छ। अर्कोतिर मोर्चा अध्यक्ष विमल गुरूङ पनि तत्कालीन अध्यक्ष सुवास घिसिङको निर्णयलाई अस्वीकार गर्दै निर्दलीय चुनाउ लड़ेर पछिबाट पुनः गोरामुमोमा सामेल भएका थिए। अहिले यस्तै स्थितिको सामना विमल गुरूङ स्वयंले गर्नु परिरहेको छ। जसलाई सरोकारवालाहरू सञ्चबीरले विमलकै विर्ता थामेे भन्दै व्याख्या गर्छन्‌।

Sunday 29 July 2012

Subba finds support in two villages - Rivals fail to put polling agents

sanchabir subba
Rajeev Ravidas, TT, Nimbong (Kalimpong), July 29: Sanchabir Subba has found supporters in two villages in his constituency but whether their votes will carry him to the GTA Sabha is too early to say.
The Telegraph visited Barbot, Nimbong and Gitdabling during the course of the polling today and found that Sanchabir Subba, who is contesting as an Independent against Morcha vice-president Kalyan Dewan, enjoys significant support in Borbut and Nimbong.
In these two villages, people openly said they were in favour of Subba, while the opinion was tilted in Dewan’s favour in Gitdabling. The people of the three villages constitute only a fraction of the electorate in the Gitdabling-Nimbong seat that is spread over two blocks.
“We consider ourselves Morcha supporters but our hearts are with Sanchabir. We all took part in the agitation under his leadership. He is one of our own and understands our problems. We are confident that he will take up our issues with the government sincerely once he is elected,” said Gamit Lepcha, a resident of Barbot.
Lepcha and other women in the village were huddled together on the premises of the Barbot Primary School, where voting happened without incident.
A few kilometres up the road at Nimbong Primary School, the scene was similar. People came in a trickle despite a consistent drizzle.
Seated at the entrance to the school were the supporters of Subba and the Morcha. Both the groups expressed confidence that their candidates would win, but Subba’s supporters were more vocal.
Asked why Subba was popular in the area, Saran Tamang, a youth, said it was because of his simplicity.
“He gels with all types of people, rich and poor. He doesn’t differentiate. He knows our problems. He is a simple man,” Saran said.
Gitdabling, about 20km from Nimbong, was a little different though.
On the way leading up to the polling station at the Gitdabling Junior Basic School, there was no sign of any Subba supporter.
Morcha supporters were there, though in small numbers.
A man, who claimed he was a Morcha worker, said most of the 884 votes in the area would go to the party.
Asked why, he said: “Being Morcha workers, we couldn’t have voted against the party candidate. We have problems here such as lack of basic health facilities and roads. We are confident that our party will address these issues after the elections.”
In the nine GTA constituencies in the subdivision that went to the polls, 81,186 of the total 1,09,643 votes were cast. “The polling percentage is 74.04,” said L.N. Sherpa, the returning officer and the Kalimpong subdivisional officer.

Legal tangle: Morcha leaders to meet CM

ENS, Kolkata, Mon Jul 30 2012:GJM chief Bimal Gurung and his outfit’s senior leaders is likely to meet Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in Kolkata on Monday in the wake of the Calcutta High Court latest observation in which it said that the fate of the GTA will be decided on the final order of the writ petition, which it is hearing. On Friday, the High Court refused to put a stay on the formation of GTA while hearing a plea filed by GNLF chief Subash Ghising challenging the constitutional validity of the newly-formed authority.
Sources said, the GJM leadership is worried about the fallout of the High Court’s ruling. The oath taking ceremony of GTA is scheduled to take place on August 4 and Union Home Minister P Chidambaram and Mamata Banerjee are expected to attend the ceremony.
First-ever GTA elections held
ANANYA DUTTA, TH, Kolkata: The results of the first-ever elections to the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration may have been a foregone conclusion, but 74 per cent of the electorate turned up to cast their vote in the 17 constituencies where polls were held on Sunday.
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) has already stormed its way to taking control of the regional autonomous body with the party’s candidates in 28 constituencies winning unopposed.
The Trinamool Congress, the only other party in the contest after all the candidates of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) withdrew their nominations, had also surrendered with Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announcing that her party was withdrawing from the race, though the announcement came too late for her party’s candidates to officially pull out.
“The elections passed off peacefully, but there wasn’t much excitement because the people already know the results,” GJM spokesperson and MLA from Kalimpong, Harka Bahadur Chettri said.
While confident of a GJM victory in all 45 seats, Dr. Chettri said the only serious contest was in Gitdabling Nimbong in Kalimpong sub-division, where a GJM rebel candidate, Sanchabir Subba contested as an Independent.
GJM general secretary Roshan Giri said the decision taken by all political parties to withdraw from the contest was a sign of “the GJM’s supremacy in the Hills,” but leaders of the other political parties disagreed.
Elections to the GTA’s predecessor the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) were last held in 1999.
“The GTA election is an eye-wash and disproves any argument that speaks of a return of democracy to the Darjeeling hills,” said Govind Chettri, spokesperson for the Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxists (CPRM), one of the major non-GJM political forces in the Darjeeling hills.
He said the voter turnout was a result of the GJM’s party cadres lining up to cast their votes in an attempt to prove a point, but when no other political parties contested, the elections lost meaning.
“We do not accept the GTA, which was the reason why we did not contest these elections… The recent unrest in the areas under the Bodoland Territorial Council goes to show that such regional autonomous bodies are not the answer to the local people’s aspirations,” he said adding that the CPRM had stepped up its campaign for a separate State of Gorkhaland.
Meanwhile, Bharati Tamang, wife of the slain Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League (ABGL) leader, Madan Tamang, and the party’s president said: “These elections have been held over my husband’s coffin.”

74% voting in first GTA election GNLF trauma a mother can’t forget

Vivek Chhetri, TT, Darjeeling, July 29: The first Gorkhaland Territorial Administration election today recorded an average 74 per cent turnout in 17 seats of the total 45.
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has won the other seats uncontested and the outcome of today’s polls is a foregone conclusion.
Darjeeling district magistrate Saumitra Mohan said voting happened in 292 booths and 74 per cent polling was recorded. “The polling was peaceful and no major complaint was lodged,” Mohan said.
However, almost nowhere did the Trinamul Congress, the only party other than the Morcha that had its symbol in the polls, manage to put a polling agent. Milan Dukpa, the Trinamul candidate of Ghoom-Jorebunglow, said: “I couldn’t post any polling agent in my constituency other than my daughter Milli Dukpa. Morcha supporters threatened her with dire consequences.”
In Pokhriabong-Chamong, Morcha supporters seemed upbeat to ensure the victory of Dipen Mallay, an accused in the Madan Tamang murder case and the candidate from this seat.
Dipen, lodged in the Darjeeling correctional home, was the first candidate Morcha chief Bimal Gurung had named on July 2.
At Mallay’s home, though, his mother Phulmaya did not know her son was fighting the polls from prison. Her other son, Swadhin, has not told her that Dipen is in jail.
Phulmaya, whose home the GNLF allegedly burnt in 1986, never recovered from the shock.
“GNLF cadres had dragged my mother out of our house and razed it to the ground in 1986. She is reticent and we haven’t told her that Dipen is lodged in a correctional home. She may have heard that he is contesting the elections but whenever she asks about her younger son, we tell her that he is out of Darjeeling for some party work,” said Swadhin, Dipen’s elder brother.
Dipen, who is in his mid-30s, was arrested on May 25, 2011, after the CBI took over the probe into the assassination of ABGL chief Madan Tamang.
For more than a year now, the Mallay family has not allowed anyone to utter a word about Dipen to her mother.
Phulmaya, in her late 70s, was not at Swadhin’s rented house at Pokhriabong, 35km from here. “One of our brothers, Sachen, stays in Kalimpong and since Dipen’s name was announced as a candidate from Pokhriabong-Chamong, we have sent our mother there, ” primary school teacher Swadhin said.
Dipen, too, used to stay with Swadhin.
The Mallay family was targeted allegedly by the GNLF after Dipen started raising his voice against the party. “Dipen was keen to be in politics right from his school days and has always stood by the needy. That is why his candidature was immediately accepted by the people,” Swadhin said.
In Darjeeling, Dipen was seen doing puja early this morning at the district hospital where he is admitted with high blood pressure, backache and diabetes.
“I am grateful to our party president Bimal Gurung for giving me such a huge responsibility and am confident that I will win by a thumping margin,” a source quoted Dipen as saying.
D.B. Mukhia, the Trinamul candidate contesting against Dipen, was today seen going to vote accompanied by his security guard. “I did speak to my supporters over the phone but I did not hold any public meetings. In fact, I returned from Siliguri the day before yesterday,” said Mukhia.
He is one of a handful of candidates who kept his election campaign on, though low-key, even after Mamata Banerjee announced that Trinamul would not pose a contest to the Morcha.
Mukhia today alleged that two booths at Turzum in his constituency and at Selimbong Primary School had been captured by the Morcha. “If the elections are conducted in a free and fair manner, I will win,” Mukhia said.

GTA election in Darjeeling hills remained peaceful- Polling for newly proposed autonomous body begins in W. Bengal

KalimNews, 29 July 2012: The first Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) Sabha election ended peacefully in the 17 constituencies throughout the Darjeeling district. As per the information received in Kalimpong 74 percent poll was casted. Out of 109643 electorates 81186 votes were casted of which 44032 were male and 37154 were females. 
In the polling stations of 41 no Gitdabling Nimbong Constituency the poll was very much encouraging and a little over 80 percent. In this constituency Sanchabir Subba an ex Gorkha Janmukti Morcha President is contesting against Kalyan Dewan the official candidate of GJM.
PTI, Darjeeling (WB) July 29, 2012: Voting to fill up 17 seats in the newly-formed Gorkhaland Territorial Administration in Darjeeling hills ended peacefully today.
Superintendent of Police Kunal Agarwal said there had been no untoward incident from any part of the hills.
There are a total 45 seats in the GTA 28 of which have been won uncontested by the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha.
The CPI-M had earlier withdrawn from the contest. So did the Trinamool Congress, though at the last stage.
Some TMC nominees fought the election because, as they contended, they had not been communicated the party's decision of withdrawal from the contest in time.
In 14 seats at Kalimpong and Darjeeling sub-divisions, canditates of the GJM, Trinamool Congress as well as an Independent candidate contested.
The Independent candidate is contesting against the GJM candidate at Nimdong consitituency in Kalimpong.
Seventy per cent voters have exercised their francise in these constituencies.
Voters of three booths - Belgachi, Panighata and Sukna - boycotted voting.
People of Belgachi and Panighata did not vote for any of the candidates as they do not want to join GTA. People in Sukna boycotted vote as they feel there had been no development in the past few years.

DEBASIS SARKAR, ET, SILIGURI, 29 JUL, 2012: After years long political debate and administrative complicacies, finally the first election of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration(GTA)in Darjeeling hills took place today peacefully. Though it remained just as a formality with actually only Gorklha Janamukti Morcha(GJM) candidates on the turf, administration had to carry out entire electioneering procedure in 17 out of 45 seats of the body.
"The election today remained peaceful without any major untoward incident," said DM Darjeeling Mr. S. Mohan.
"We are happy that finally we could have the election," said Mr. Roshan Giri, General Secretary of GJM. 
Interestingly, the fate of the GTA board got decided much earlier after withdrawal of candidates by all political parties including CPIM or Gorkha League raising complains against GJM for 'not allowing the election to remain a free and fair one.' Out of 45 seats, GJM won in 28 seats without any contest. But there were candidates nominated by Trinamool Congress, main ruling party of West Bengal and close friend of GJM giving birth of confusion.
But putting the confusion to an end, TMC Supremo Miss Mamata Banerjee have announced withdrawal of all these candidates on 21 stJuly. But, since official time for withdrawal of nomination was over by then, the administration had to continue with entire electioneering formalities today.
However, CPIM leader and ex state Minister Mr. Ashok Bhattacharya has labeled the election as a 'Political Drama' by an 'Unholy nexus of TMC and GJM.' Congress always preferred remaining silence on the issue. But TMC leader and North Bengal Development Minister Mr. Gautam Dev said, "After allowing Gorkha National Liberation Front, that used to rule Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council(DGHC), to remain in power year after year without election, CPIM does not have any right to complain against TMC now on this."
GTA is an autonomous body with higher financial and administrative power than a District Development Board. This is to replace DGHC, formed in 1988 for administration of hills. Conceptualized to be formed under new GTA act, GTA is the final outcome of an agreement signed in 2011 between West Bengal state Government and Gorkha Janamukti Morcha, the party that has been demanding separate statehood for Darjeeling since its upraise in 2007.

ANI, Kurseong: Polling began for the establishment pf a Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA), the proposed new development body in northern hills of West Bengal, began here on Sunday amid tight security.
Scores of voters came forward to cast their vote in the Kurseong region of the state on Sunday.
A voter from Panighatta, Dibash Rai, told reporters that people, who have been fighting for the creation of a new Gorkhaland, were happy and excited.
"All of us, including the people fighting for the GTA (Gorkhaland Territorial Administration), are feeling very happy. We are getting a new experience. We are very excited, as with this poll we can take effective steps for the constitution of Gorkhaland. We hope from the councillors that they should discharge their duties properly and help in forming the Gorkhaland," said Dibash Rai.
The election would be held in three hill sub-divisions, Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong.
Nearly 5,90,855 voters would franchise for 45 seats out of which the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM), an outfit demanding autonomous region of Gorkhaland in West Bengal have already won 28 seats unopposed.
Earlier, the elections for GTA were held in the year 1990.
Gorkhas, who are ethnic Nepalis, are demanding a separate state of "Gorkhaland" be carved out of West Bengal state's Darjeeling region to protect their Himalayan culture and heritage, and protests have picked up again this month.
Meanwhile, the security personnel were deployed in the polling regions to avert any untoward incidents.
"The situation is stable over here. The situation is normal and peaceful. No, we haven't received any information about any untoward incident," said Sub-Divisional Police Officer, (SDPO) Kurseong, Nima Norbu Bhutia.
Earlier, the Chief of GJM, Bimal Gurung and his associates met the federal Home (interior) Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram on June 26, where they had spoken about participation in elections to the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA), the proposed new development body in the hills region of northern West Bengal.
He mentioned that that they had put forward the proposal for the recruitment for the Gorkhaland Personnel (GLP) to enable the autonomous region's own security force.
The Gorkhaland movement that began in 1980s had ended with a truce between the then Gorkha leader Subhash Ghising and New Delhi, after he accepted limited autonomy in 1988 with a new Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC).
At least 1,200 people died in the first Gorkhaland campaign, but protests ended a few years later after Gorkha leaders accepted limited autonomy.
Darjeeling hills region is geo-politically and strategically important for India as it lies close to the borders of China, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. 

कालेबुङ महकुमा क्षेत्रको 9 वटा समष्टिमा 74 प्रतिशत मतदान, ज़ीटीए सभा प्रार्थीहरुको भाग्य ईभीएममा बन्द

डी के वाइबा, कालेबुङ, 29 जुलाई। केन्द्र सरकार, राज्य सरकार अनि गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा माझ गत वर्ष 18 जुलाईको दिन पिण्टेल भिलेजमा सम्झौता भएको गोर्खाल्याण्ड टेरिटोरिय़ल एडमिनिस्ट्रेसन (जीटीए) सभाको आज प्रथम चुनाउ सम्पन्न भयो। कालेबुङ महकुमाको मोठ 13 वटा समष्टिको सिटहरुमध्ये चारवटा सिटहरुमा गोजमुमो प्रार्थीहरु निर्बिरोध बिजय बनेको कारण आज रहल 9 वटा सिटहरुमा चुनाउ सम्पन्न भयो।
यस अवसरमा पुलिस प्रशासनले कठोर सुरक्षा व्यवस्था बनाएर राखेको थियो। उक्त 9 वटा समष्टिहरुमा मोठ 1 लाख 9 हजार 6 सय 43 मतदाताहरु रहेका थिए भने अघिबाटै चारवटा सिटहरुमा मोर्चा प्रार्थीहरु बिजयी बनेको कारण आज रहल 9 वटा सिटहरुमा मोठ 81 हजार 1 सय 86 मतदान भएको जानकारी प्राप्त भएको छ। उक्त 9 वटा समष्टिहरुमा 74.04 % मतदान भएको जानकारी दिदै चुनाव अवधी सबै क्षेत्रमा शान्ति रहेको कालेबुङ महकुमा अधिकारी तथा एसिसटेण्ट रिट्र्निंग अफिसरले जानकारी दिएका छन। चुनावी मैदानमा उत्रेका प्रार्थीहरुको भाग्य जनताले भोटिङ मेसिनमा बन्द गरिदिए पछि सबै सिटहरुबाट गोजमुमो प्रार्थीहरुले आफ्नो बिजय निस्चित रहेको दाबी गरेका छन।
अर्कोतिर गोजमुमो पार्टीले ल्याएको जीटीएको चुनाउमा सबैको केन्द्रबिन्दु बनेको 41 नम्बर निम्बोङ गितडाब्लिङ समष्टिमा पुलिस प्रशासनको कठोर सुरक्षा व्यवस्था भित्र आज जनताले चुनावी मैदानमा उत्रेका प्रार्थीहरुको भाग्य ईलेक्ट्रोनिक भोटिङ मेसिनमा बन्द गरिदिएका छन। यस समष्टिबाट गोजमुमो प्रार्थी कल्याण देवान, तृणमूल कङ्ग्रेसबाट ब्रुनो लेप्चा अनि निर्दलीय प्रार्थीका रुपमा सञ्चबीर सुब्बा चुनावी मैदानमा खडा भएका थिए। तृणमूल कङग्रेस पार्टीले चुनाउ नलड्ने घोषणा गरेको कारण यस समष्टिमा मोर्चा प्रार्थी अनि निर्दलीय प्रार्थी माझ कडा प्रतिस्पर्धा रहेको छ। जीटीएको 45 वटा सिटहरु मध्ये सबैको केन्द्रबिन्दु बनेको यस 41 नम्बर समष्टिमा मतदान शान्ति पूर्ण रह्यो।
चुनाउ शान्तिमय सञ्चालन गर्न पुलिस प्रशासनको भूमिका दह्रो रहेको थियो। सबैभन्दा विवादित र संवेदनशील समष्टि 41 नम्बर रहेको थियो। जसको कारण यस समष्टिमा एक प्लाटुन र्‍याफ फोर्स लगायत पुलिस सुरक्षाकर्मी तैनाथ राखिएको थियो। मोठ 18 वटा बुथहरु रहेको यस समष्टिमा चुनाउ अवधी कहीँ पनि अशान्ति देखिएन। मोठ 18 वटा बुथहरु रहेको उक्त समष्टिमा 10 हजार 5 सय 61 जना मतदाताहरु रहेका थिए भने यस समष्टिमा कति मतदान भयो भन्ने आधिकारीक पुष्टि हुन नसके पनि 90 प्रतिशत नै क्षेत्रवासीले मतदानमा सहभागी रहेको मतदान केन्द्र भ्रमणमा देखियो।
यस समष्टिमा दुइवटा पञ्चायत छन-निम्बोङ-पाब्रीङटार अनि गीतडाब्लिङ-गीतकोल्बोङ। निम्बोङ-पाब्रीङटारमा 5,982 मतदाताहरू छन्‌ भने गीतडाब्लिङ-गीत कोल्बोङमा 4,360 मतदाता। मतदानको हिसाबमा सञ्चबीरलाई निम्बोङ-पाब्रिङटारबाट सतप्रतिशत मत् गएको सञ्चबीर सुब्बाले अनुमान गरेका छन्‌। तिनले निम्बोङ-पाब्रिङटार बाहेक गीतकोलबोङ-गीतडाब्लिङ पञ्चायत क्षेत्रबाट पनि 60 प्रतिशत मत पाएको विश्वास व्यक्त गरेका छन्‌। स्थानिय जनताले क्षेत्रीय व्यक्ति प्रार्थी हुनपर्छ भन्ने चाहना राखेको कारण आफुलाई नै अधिकतर मतदान प्राप्त भएको दाबी गर्दै आगामी 2 अगष्टको दिन परिणाम सबैले थाह पाउने बताए। यसै क्रममा तिनले आफ्नोपक्षमा मत खसाल्ने जनतालाई आभार व्यक्त गरेका छन। यता चुनाउ सबै क्षेत्रहरुमा प्रशासनले शान्तिमय वातावरणमा गराएको सन्दर्भमा पनि प्रशासन प्रति पनि तिनले आभार व्यक्त गरेका छन।

Saturday 28 July 2012

जीटीए चुनाउ: निम्बोङ गितडाब्लिङ समष्टिमा सबैको ध्यान केन्द्रित, कसलाई चुन्ने जनताले ?

बिशेष प्रतिनिधी,कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 28 जुलाई। गोर्खा जनमुखि मोर्चाले ल्याएको जीटीएमा मोर्चा प्रमुख बिमल गुरुङले खडा गरेको 41 नम्बर निम्बोङ गितडाब्लिङ समष्टिका प्रार्थी कल्याण देवानलाई मोर्चाकै क्षेत्रीय नेता सञ्चबीर सुब्बाले निर्दलीय प्रार्थीको रुपमा खडा भएर चुनौति दिए पछि अब प्रार्थीहरुको भाग्य निर्धारण जनताको हातमा रहेको छ। मोठ 18 वटा बुथहरु रहेको उक्त समष्टिमा 10 हजार 5 सय 61 जना मतदाताहरुले भोलि ईलेक्ट्रोनिक भोटिङ मेसिनमा प्रार्थीहरुको भाग्य बन्द गरिदिनेछन। जीटीएको 45 वटा समष्टिहरु मध्ये यस समष्टिमा त्रिकोणीय लडाई हुनेछ। यस समष्टिमा तृणमूल कङ्ग्रेसबाट ब्रुनो लेप्चा चुनावी मैदानमा रहेका छन तर तृणमूल हाईकमाण्डले चुनाउ नलड्ने घोषणा गरेको कारण तिनी भएर पनि नभए बराबर छन। जसको कारण अहिले कल्याण देवान अनि सञ्चबीर सुब्बा माझ जीटीए चुनाउको फाईनल हुन लागेको छ।
छुट्टै राज्य गोर्खाल्याण्ड प्राप्तिको आन्दोलनलाई अघि बडाएर दार्जीलिङ पहाडमा गोरामुमो प्रमुख सुवास घिसिङको एकक्षत्र शाषण समाप्त गर्ने बिमल गुरुङलाई अहिले आफ्नै पार्टीका क्षेत्रीय नेता सञ्चबीर सुब्बा टाउको दुखाई बन्न पुगेको छ। बिशेष जीटीए चुनाउलाई लिएर मोर्चा प्रमुख बिमल गुरुङले स्थानीय जनताको चाहनालाई लत्याएर 41 नम्बर निम्बोङ गितडाब्लिङ समष्टिमा कल्याण देवानलाई प्रार्थी बनाएपछि रुष्ट बनेका सञ्चबीर सुब्बाले पार्टीको आदेशलाई कुनै वास्ता नगरी निर्दलीय प्रार्थीको रुपमा नामाङकन पत्र दर्ता गरेपछि अहिले मोठ 45 वटा सिटहरु मध्ये सबैको ध्यान केवल 41 नम्बर समष्टिमा केन्द्रित बनेको छ।
मोर्चाले जीटीए चुनाउमा मोठ 17 वटा सिटहरुमा प्रतिद्वन्द्विता गर्नुपर्ने भए पनि 16 वटा सिटहरुमा केवल चुनाउको औपचारिकता मात्र हुने भएको छ तर 41 नम्बर समष्टिमा निर्दलीय प्रार्थी सञ्चबीर सुबासंग भने मोर्चाको कडा टक्कर हुने भएको छ। दार्जीलिङ पहाडमा बिपक्षी पार्टीको भूमिका निर्वाह गर्दै आईरहेका सबै राजनैतिक दलहरुले जीटीए चुनाउलाई बाईपास दिएर मोर्चालाई चुनाउको निम्ति बाटो सफा पारिदिएको समयमा मोर्चाकै क्षेत्रीय नेताले भने आफ्नै पार्टीको आदेश समेत नमानेर निर्दलीय प्रार्थीको रुपमा खडा बनेपछि अहिले घरी मोर्चालाई सय प्रतिशत सिटहरुमा बिजय बन्ने सपना पुरा हुन निकै कठिन पर्ने भएको छ। बिभागले भोलि गराउने चुनाउलाई लिएर सम्पूर्ण बुथहरुमा सुरक्षा कर्मीहरु संगै चुनाउ अधिकारीहरु पठाईसकेको छ। अब केवल जनताले लोकततंत्र प्रक्रिया अनुरुप जनप्रतिनिधी चयन गर्नु रहेको छ। तर यस्तो समयमा पहाडमा शक्तिशाली मानिने मोर्चालाई चुनौति दिने सञ्चबीर सुब्बा अनि तिनका समर्थकहरुले के स्वतन्त्ररुपले आफ्नो मतदान प्रयोग गर्न पाउँला भन्ने प्रश्न उत्तरबिहिन अल्झेको छ।
कालेबुङ थाना सूत्रले बताए अनुसार 41 नम्बर समष्टिमा सहीरुपले अनि स्वच्छ चुनाउ हुन दिन सुरक्षा कर्मीको संख्या व्यापक गरिएको छ। एएसपी सोङ्‌मित लेप्चाले बताए अनुसार सुरक्षा कर्मीहरूले क्याम्प लगाउन शुरु गरेका छन्‌। एक बटालियन र्‍याफका जवानहरू पनि झिकाइएको छ। तिनी अनुसार चुनाउको दिन कुनै पनि असुविधा उत्पन्न हुन दिइने छैन। यसैकारण नै सुरक्षा कर्मीहरूलाई तैनाथ गरिएको छ। यता अर्कोपक्षबाट बुथ क्याप्चरिङ हुने, मतदान स्वच्छ नहुने शंका चलिरहेकोले सञ्चबीर सुब्बासित कुरा गर्दा तिनले प्रशासन हुँदाहुँदै यस्तो स्थिति नहुने आशा प्रकट गरेका छन्‌।
41 नम्बर समष्टिमा स्वच्छ चुनाउ गराउने जिम्मा प्रशासनको हातमा छ। यता प्रशासन पनि पूर्ण तयारीमा जुटेको छ। त्यहा एकजना डीएसपीलाई पनि तैनाथ गरिएको छ जानकारी प्राप्त भएको छ। चुनाउलाई शान्तिमय राख्नको निम्ति 6 वटा सुरक्षा सेक्टर राखिएको खबर प्राप्त छ भने मोबाइल, हेबी मोबाइल र जोन मोबाइल्स पनि तैनाथ गरिएको छ। अहिले पुलिस प्रशासनको ध्यान केवल 41 नम्बर समष्टिमा रहेको छ अनि चुनाउलाई पूर्णरुपले सफल बनाउँन प्रशासनको भूमिका खुबै मह्त्वपूर्ण रहेको छ।

Friday 27 July 2012

HC declines stay on GTA board

TT. Calcutta, July 27: Calcutta High Court today declined to pass any interim stay on the formation of the GTA board in the hills but issued an interim order saying the new board would have to abide by the result of the case moved by DGHC chief Subash Ghisingh, who had challenged the legality of GTA Act, 2011. 
 Later ABGL added as a party to support Ghisingh’s stand. Justice Dipankar Dutta, in his interim order, said there would be no bar on holding election, taking oaths and resuming the office by the GTA board members. “But the board members will have to abide by the result of the case.”
 Appearing for ABGL, advocate Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya had prayed for an order restraining the newly elected GTA board from resuming the offices before disposal of the case on GTA act. Justice Dutta decided to hear the case in detail on August 10 and directed both the state and central government to file an affidavit-in-opposition by August 6. “The petitioners will have to give their replies by August 8 and the case will be heard on August 10,” the judge said. On June 19, the high court had admitted the case moved by GNLF leader Subash Ghisingh who has challenged the legality of the GTA. Share on email Share on print Share on facebook Share on twitter More Sharing Services

Nominee prize for elderly worker 85-year-old tailor named by Gurung

Bimal Gurung bows his head in front of the martyrs’ column at the Gymkhana Club on Friday, when the Morcha observed Shahid Divas. The column was erected in memory of more than 1,200 people who have died in the statehood agitation since 1986. Picture by Suman Tamang
Darjeeling, July 27: Bimal Gurung today nominated an 85-year-old ordinary party worker as one of the five GTA councillors, rewarding his continuous association with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.
Gurung today hugged Birkhu Bhusal, a tailor, at a Shahid Divas event in Darjeeling. The other name he announced for nominated GTA Sabha councillors was of Sabitri Rai, a Nari Morcha leader from Lebong in Darjeeling.
The GTA Sabha will have five nominated councillors apart from the 45 elected members.
The nominations, according to the GTA Act, are to be made by the governor. It was expected that the governor would nominate members on the recommendation of the chief minister. But it became clear today that the Morcha would have the primary say in the nominations.
Gurung today also said the remaining three nominees would be from the Terai and Dooars. “The other three nominations will be made from the Terai and Dooars,” Gurung said at the Shahid Divas event at the Gymkhana Club.
The Morcha chief started his hour-long speech on the contributions of the martyrs and as expected maintained that the GTA was a stepping stone to Gorkhaland.
“We have been given the GTA by the government to see whether we can administer it properly. After three years, five years or ten years of administrating the GTA, which has the word Gorkhaland, we will go back to the government to demand Gorkhaland and will tell them that since we have been able to administer this body efficiently, we will have to be given statehood.”
But at the end of the somewhat predictable speech, Gurung suddenly said: “Old man, please come up to the stage.”

No one knew to whom Gurung was referring, so he said: “Bhusal buroo (old man), come up to the stage.” Once Bhusal was beside Gurung, the Morcha chief directed Roshan Giri to “please garland him”.
Everyone thought Bhusal would be felicitated as Gurung had talked about the need for elders to guide the GTA. But he said: “He (Bhusal) is one of the nominated councillors to the GTA. I have seen Bhusal buroo from the 1986 agitation days. He is a committed soldier for Gorkhaland and has been present in all the meetings of the Morcha. He is also a member of the Schedule Caste and now, I have looked after the concerns of this community also.”
He then announced the name of Rai as the other nominated councillor. Rai was not present. The absence is perhaps an indication that Gurung had not sounded out the nominees before making the announcement.
The moment Gurung’s speech concluded, Bhusal became the toast of the gathering.
Bhusal said he had actively taken part in the Gorkhaland agitation started by Subash Ghisingh. “I stopped supporting the GNLF once they raised the Sixth Schedule-status demand. I joined the Morcha the day it was formed.”

कालेबुङमा सबै राजनैतिक दलहरुले पालन गर्‍यो शहिद दिवस

डी के वाइबा,  कालेबुङ 27 जुलाई : अस्सिको दशकमा गोरामुमो अध्यक्ष सुवास घिसिङले चलाएको छुट्टै राज्य गोर्खाल्याण्डको हिंसात्मक आन्दोलनमा शहिद बनेकाहरुलाई आज पहाडका सबै राजनैतिक पार्टीहरुले सम्झना गर्दै शहिदहरु प्रति श्रद्धाञ्जली चडाए। पहाडको बर्तमान शक्तिशाली राजनैतिक दल गोजमुमो पार्टीले पनि यहाँको एघार माईल स्थित शहिद बेदीमा शहिद दिवस पालन गर्‍यो। यस अवसरमा शहिदका परिवारहरु पनि बिशेषरुपले उपस्थित रहेका थिए।
गोजमुमो पार्टीले शहिद दिवस पालन गर्दै शहिद बेदीमा सबै नेताहरु संगै शहिद परिवारका सदस्यहरुले बेदीमा माल्यार्पण गरेर श्रद्धा चडाए। गोजमुमो पार्टीले तयार पारेको जीएलपीका जवानहरुले बेदी स्थलमा शोक धुन प्रस्तुत गर्दै गार्ड अफ अनरको साथमा शहिदहरुलाई सम्झना गरे। गोर्खा जनमक्ति मोर्चा कालेबुङ महकुमा समितिका अध्यक्ष सरीता राईले सम्बोधन गर्दै शहिदहरुको सपना छुट्टै राज्य गोर्खाल्याण्ड भए पनि सुवास घिसिङले 12 सय शहिद बनाएर पनि गोर्खाल्याण्ड भने ल्याउँन नसकेको दाबी गरे। तिनले गोजमुमो पार्टीले गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलनलाई नत्यागेको दाबी गर्दै जीटीए गठन पछि पनि मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलनलाई अघि बडाउँने दाबी गरे। तिनले बिगत 27 जुलाई 1986 को स्मरण गर्दै अहिले गोजमुमो पार्टीले भने जनतालाई सुवास घिसिङले जस्तो धोका दिने कार्य नगरेको बताउँदै गोजमुमोले शहिदको सपना गोर्खाल्याण्ड ल्याएरै छोड्ने दाबी गरे। यस अवसरमा अन्य वक्ताहरुले पनि शहिदहरुको सम्झना गर्दै गोर्खाल्याण्ड केवल गोजमुमो पार्टीले मात्र ल्याउँने दाबी गरे।
आज सम्पन्न उक्त शहिद दिवस कार्यक्रममा मोर्चाको केन्द्रिय समिति सद्स्य बिजय सुन्दास, नोर्देन लामा, प्रविण रहपाल लगायत मोर्चाका निर्बिरोध बिजयी बनेका जीटीए सभा सदस्यहरुले पनि शहिद बेदीमा माल्यार्पण गरेर श्रद्धाञ्जली प्रकट गरे।
अर्कोतिर यता क्रामाकपाले पनि शहिद दिवस यहाँको पार्टी कार्यालयमा पालन गर्दै शहिदहरुको स्मरण गर्‍यो। पार्टी कार्यालयमा शहिद दिवस पालन गर्न अघि क्रामाकपा नेताहरुले पनि एघार माईलमा अवस्थित शहिद बेदीमा माल्यार्पण गरेर शहिदहरुलाई श्रद्धाञ्जली प्रकट गरे। क्रमाकपाले शहिद दिवस पालन गर्नुको साथै यहाँको डम्बर चौकमा जीटीएले शहिदहरुको सपना पुरा गर्न नसक्ने दाबी गर्दै पोष्टरिङ समेत गरेको छ। क्रामाकपाले गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनमा शहिदहुनेहरुलाई सहुलियत होईन दोसीहरुलाई सजाय दिनुपर्ने पनि माग गरेको छ। यसको साथै सहिदहरुलाई साँचोरुपले सम्मान गर्नु हो भने सम्पूर्ण लालचहरु त्यागेर गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति अघि बडनुपर्छ भनेर क्रामाकपाले पोष्टरमा उल्लेख गरेको छ।
यता गोर्खाल्याण्ड टास्क फोर्सले पनि यहाँको भागोप कार्यालयमा शहिद दिवस पालन गर्दै शहिदहरु माथि सीआएपीले गोली चलाएको सन्दर्भमा जाँच गर्नुपर्ने माग गर्दै दोषिहरुको पक्राऊ गरेर परिवार पक्षलाई न्याय दिनुपर्ने माग गरेको छ। यस सम्बन्धमा टास्क फोर्सका अध्यक्ष रेभरेण्ड् डा एनोसदास प्रधानले शहिदहरुको सपना केवल गोर्खाल्याण्ड रहेको बताउँदै यहाँ नेताहरु सहुलियत अनि पैसाको पछि कुदेर गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दा त्याग्ने कार्य भएको आरोप लगाए। तिनले शहिदहरुलाई सम्मान गर्दै सबै जनता लगायत नेताहरु केवल गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति अघि आउँनुपर्ने आह्वान गर्दै नेताहरु सहुलियतको पछि कुद्ने कार्य छोड्नुपर्ने आह्वान गरे।

Thursday 26 July 2012

300 from Assam flee to Alipurduar - Local residents cook food for riot-affected at mosque near border

TT ;Alipurduar, July 26: Three hundred people from riot-hit Kokrajhar in Assam today crossed over to Bengal and took shelter in a mosque in Alipurduar, raising the number of those staying there to 856.More people are likely to cross over if tension persists in the four Bodo districts of Assam as train services to the Northeast have resumed now.Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi today toured the relief camps in Kokrajhar. 

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is expected to tour the areas affected by the riots on Saturday.No fresh clashes broke out in the Bodo areas today but two bodies were found, which raises the death toll in the ethnic riots to 42.Yesterday, Alipurduar SDO Amal Kanti Roy had visited the mosque at Mominpara, about 30km from the Bengal-Assam border, and arranged for food, tarpaulin sheets and firewood for 556 people who had taken shelter there. Most of them are women and children.Roy had said yesterday that medical staff would visit the mosque, where one child had died. 

This morning, health officials arrived at the camp with medicines. Police personnel are also guarding the camp.Today, local people of Alipurduar-II block cooked food and set up tents outside the mosque for the fresh arrivals.People fleeing from villages in Kokrajhar have been trickling into Alipurduar-II and Kumargram blocks for the last three days. In all, over 2,000 people have moved into two blocks of Jalpaiguri — Alipuduar II and Kumargram, which is on the state border.Kayesh Momin, a Mominpara resident involved in the relief work, said the people here needed clothes, baby food and sanitation facilities. “On Monday and Tuesday, the number of people was less and we arranged everything locally. 

But on Tuesday evening, when a large number of people reached the camp, we went to block administration officials.”He said: “After the SDO visited the place, we have received 15 quintal of rice, 15kg of dal, 15kg of potato and 5kg of mustard oil.”Mojidul Ansari, who has fled Salakati in Kokrajhar, said: “There is hardly any security presence (in our village). Last night, we saw a few policemen in our area for the first time…. As the trains are running now, many people will come here from Salakati.”

Trinamul campaign in hills

 TT ;VIVEK CHHETRI Darjeeling, July 26: Trinamul Congress leaders in the hills are conducting low-key campaigns in their constituencies despite party chief Mamata Banerjee’s announcement that they will “withdraw” from the GTA elections scheduled to be held on July 29. At least three of the 17 candidates that Trinamul had fielded have told the Metro that they have decided to have polling agents in their booths. Milan Dukpa, the Trinamul candidate from Ghoom-Jorebunglow in Darjeeling said: “Since our party symbol will be on the ballot papers, our supporters will definitely cast their votes (in our favour). 
Many of them have been calling me and I am sending them text messages too (as a means of campaigning). They are also organising closed door meetings which I am attending, although they (Morcha) are keeping tabs on my movement.”  Asked if he would be fielding polling agents, Dukpa said: “In my constituency there are 18 booths for which I will need 36 polling agents. I am trying my best to have polling agents in all the booths. We do not want to leave without giving Morcha a proper takkar (fight). If we win, we will be happy to resign if our party high command says. But we definitely want to give Morcha a fight.” Dukpa would be taking on Morcha candidate P.T. Ola.
 “We are confident of doing well in Gorubathan and Algara-Dalapchand in Kalimpong subdivision. There are 28 booths in Gorubathan and 16 in Algara-Dalapchand and we will field polling agents in all the booths,” said a Trinamul leader from Kalimpong, who is also a member of the party’s district committee.  Trinamul leaders are counting on the support of the anti-Morcha outfits like the GNLF, CPRM and the ABGL who have not fielded candidates. “If we can consolidate the anti-Morcha votes and given the general feeling of being let down by the Morcha, (by accepting the GTA instead of carrying on the statehood agitation) we expect to do well in many seats. There are many in the Morcha who are not happy with the official candidates,” said a Trinamul leader. Dipen Mallay, the Morcha candidate from Pokhriabong-Chamong, will not be able to cast his vote in the GTA polls. Mallay is an accused in ABGL leader Madan Tamang’s murder case and lodged in a correctional home. The sub-section 5 of Section 11 of the GTA Act states that anyone in police custody, barring those arrested under preventive detention, will not be allowed to vote in the GTA elections.

Police firing in BDO office

T T; Malda, July 26:  Police fired in the air and burst tear-gas shells after a mob attacked the block development office last evening in Habibpur when a vagrant took shelter there after being chased by local residents who suspected him to be a child-lifter. The administration has clamped prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the CrPC (code of criminal procedure) in a radius of 1km from the block development office for a month. Twelve persons have been arrested in connection with the incident. Rumours had been doing the rounds for the past few days that child-lifters and cattle smugglers had entered the area. Around 5pm, people gathered around the block development office after they spotted a middle-aged man roaming in the place. Soon a large mob gathered and began chasing the man who entered the block development office, about 26km from here. Block development officer Abhijit Ghosh came out of his chamber and took the man to safety. The mob then began throwing stones at the block development office. A large police force arrived around 5pm and after the crowd did not disperse, the police batoncharged. According to Ghosh, the police also fired five rounds in the air and burst three tear-gas shells to disperse the mob. The man whom the mob was chasing has been identified as Jitendra Parbat, a 47-year-old from Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh, Ghosh said. “We have admitted him to the district hospital,” he said. Twelve persons were arrested and 15 policemen were injured in the stone throwing.

सञ्चबीर सुब्बालाई चुनौति दिन मोर्चाले गर्‍यो शक्ति प्रदर्शन- सञ्चबीर सुब्बाले पार्टीमा फर्किने सपना नदेखे हुन्छ, तिनको निम्ति सबै ढोका बन्द भएको छ – आशा गुरुङ

डी के वाइबा, कालेबुङ 25 जुलाई : जीटीए चुनाउ सम्पन्न हुन ठिक 3 दिन अघि 41 नम्बर निम्बोङ गितडाब्लिङ समष्टिमा हाई भोल्टेज चुनावी प्रचार अभियान चलिरहेको छ। निर्दलीय प्रार्थी सञ्चबीर सुब्बाले यस समष्टिबाट मोर्चाको प्रार्थी कल्याण देवानलाई चुनावी मैदानमा चुनौति दिएपछि आज मोर्चाले सञ्चबीर सुब्बाको घर आगनमा नै शक्ति प्रदर्शन गर्‍यो। यस अवसरमा मुख्य रुपले नारी मोर्चा प्रमुख आशा गुरुङ बिशेषरुपले उपस्थित रहेका थिए।
तिनले चुनावी जनसभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै 41 नम्बर समष्टिबाट गोजमुमो प्रार्थी कल्याण देवानलाई चुनावी मैदानमा चुनौति दिन उत्रेका सञ्चबीर सुब्बालाई चुनौति दिदै मोर्चा प्रार्थी कल्याण देवानको बिजय निश्चित रहेको दाबी गरिन। यसै क्रममा सञ्चबीर सुब्बाले केहिदिन अघि जीटीए चुनाउ पछि 3 अगष्टको दिनदेखि आफु गोजमुमो पार्टीमा हुने दाबी गर्दै आफुलाई पार्टीबाट निस्काशित गरेको कुरालाई लिएर जनता भ्रमित नहुनपर्ने भनेको बिषयमा कडा प्रतिक्रिया गर्दै मोर्चाले तिनको ढोका बन्द गरेको स्पष्ट बताइन।
“सञ्चबीर सुब्बाले पुन: गोजमुमो पार्टीमा हुनेछु भन्ने सपना नदेख्नु । तिनलाई पार्टीबाट मोर्चा अध्यक्ष बिमल गुरुङले निस्कासित गरिसकेको छ। अहिले यहाँ गोजमुमो पार्टीको छत्रछाँयामा निर्दलीय प्रार्थी भनेर तिनले गलत प्रचार गरिरहेका छन। यसमा जनता भ्रममा पर्नु हुँदैन। तिनी पार्टीमा आउँछु भनेर भन्छ भने यस कुरामा म आफै बिरोध गर्नेछु। अब सञ्चबीर सुब्बाको निम्ति सधैलाई ढोका बन्द भएको छ” – आशा गुरुङले भनिन।
तिनले यसै क्रममा सञ्चबीर सुब्बामाथि बर्सिन्दै सुब्बाले पार्टीको आचार सहिता पालन नगरेर पार्टीलाई बदनाम गर्ने काम गरिरहेको आरोप लगाइन। नारी मोर्चा प्रमुख आशा गुरुङले 41 नम्बर निम्बोङ गितडाब्लिङ समष्टि दुर्गम क्षेत्ररहेको बताउँदै यस क्षेत्रको बिकाश गर्न मोर्चाले बिशेष प्राथमिकता दिएर कार्य गर्ने घोषणा गर्दै जनताले बिगतका दिनहरुमा झै अहिले परिस्थितिमा पनि मोर्चा प्रार्थीलाई बिजय गराएर गोजमुमो पार्टी एक रहेको सबैलाई सन्देश दिनुपर्ने बताइन। तिनले यसै सन्दर्भमा निर्दलीय प्रार्थी सञ्चबीर सुब्बा छुट्टै राज्य गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति ईमान्दार भएर आन्दोलनमा ननिस्किएको दाबी गर्दै तिनले चुनाउलाई ध्यानमा राखेर चौकि ताकने कार्य गरेको आरोप लगाइन।
मोर्चा प्रार्थी कल्याण देवान गोजमुमो पार्टीमा शुरुदेखिनै ईमान्दार बनेर खटिरहेको बताउँदै कल्याण देवानले पार्टीलाई सिब्सुमा समस्या पर्दा अनेकौ चोटी साथ दिएको दाबी गर्दै उक्त समय सञ्चबीर सुब्बा कुन दुलोमा लुकेका थिए भनि प्रश्न तेर्साउँदै पार्टीले टिकट नदिदा चुनाउमा उठने कार्य पार्टीकै निम्ति लज्जाजनक बनेको बताईन। तिनले चुनाउमा उठेर जनतालाई गलत बाटोमा लाने कार्य गरिरहेको आरोप लगाउँदै अब पुन पार्टीमा पस्छ भन्ने कुरा सपना सपना नै हुने दाबी गरिन। यसै सन्दर्भमा तिनले सञ्चबीर सुब्बा अहिले चुनाउमा उठेको कार्यले तिनी पैसाको पछि कुदिरहेको प्रमाणित बनेको पनि आरोप लगाइन।
मोर्चा पार्थी कल्याण देवानलाई पार्टीले घुँढा धसेर भए पनि बिजय बनाएरै छाड्ने प्रतिबद्धता जाहेर गर्दै निर्दलीय प्रार्थी सुब्बाले यदि चुनाउमा बिजय बनेर जीटीए सभाको सदस्य बने तिनलाई कुनै पनि बिभाग नदिने पनि आशा गुरुङले स्पष्ट घोषणा गरिन। तिनले 41 नम्बर समष्टिलाई बिकाश गर्न मोर्चा प्रार्थी कल्याण देवानलाई साथ दिन मोर्चा प्रमुख बिमल गुरुङ लगायत आफु पनि यस क्षेत्रमा आउने पनि चुनावी जनसभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै भनिन। सुब्बालाई चौकिको निम्ति आन्दोलनमा उत्रिएको आरोप लगाउँदै अब तिनले जीटीए चुनावमा पराजयको सामना गरेपछि पञ्चायत चुनाउको टिकट समेत नपाउँने स्पष्ट घोषणा गरिन।
अर्कोतिर 41 नम्बर समष्टिमा मोर्चा प्रार्थी कल्याण देवानले चुनावी जनसभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै निर्दलीय प्रार्थी सञ्चबीर सुब्बालाई निर्दलीय प्रार्थीका रुपमा खडा गरेर तिनलाई उक्साउँने मानिसहरुले व्यक्तिगत स्वार्थ पूर्तीको निम्ति अहिले गोजमुमो पार्टीलाई नै बदनाम गर्ने कार्य गरिरहहेको आरोप लगाए। जीटीए चुनाउमा मोठ 44 वटा समष्टिहरुमा मोर्चाको जीत बनिसकेको दाबी गर्दै केवल एउटा समष्टिमा चुनाउ हुने भएको कारण यहाँ पार्टीलाई नै कलङ्कित पार्ने कार्य भएको पनि तिनले आरोप लगाए। तिनले आफु चुनावी मैदानमा खडा हुने चाहना नराखेको बताउँदै मोर्चा प्रमुख बिमल गुरुङले प्रार्थीको नाम घोषणा गरेको समय आफ्नो नाम आउँदा आफु अवाक बनेको बताए। तिनले यसै सिलसिलामा सञ्चबीर सुब्बाले स्थानीय जनतालाई गलत प्रचार गरेर दिग्भ्रमित पार्ने कार्य गरिरहेको आरोप लगाउँदै गोजमुमो पार्टीले यस क्षेत्रका जनतालाई मूल बाटोमा दोहर्‍याउँने कार्य गरेको दाबी गर्दै आफुले जनताको चाहना अनुरुप काम गर्ने बाचा समेत गरेका छन। आफुले चुनाउलाई ताकेर कहिल्यै आन्दोलन नगरेको दाबी गर्दै आगामी दिनमा मोर्चाले पुन गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलनलाई अघि बडाउँने समेत घोषणा गरे। आफुले निर्दलीय प्रार्थी सञ्चबीर सुब्बालाई नामाङ्कन पत्र फिर्ता लिने अनुरोध गरेको बताउँदै आफ्नो कुरालाई तिनले नमान्नु भनेको मोर्चा अध्यक्षलाई नै अपमानित गरेको थप आरोप लगाए। निर्दलीय प्रार्थी सञ्चबीर सुब्बालाई चुनावी मैदानमा चुनौति दिन आज मोर्चाले आयोजना गरेको जनसभालाई हेम मुखियाले अध्यक्षता गरेका थिए भने जनसभालाई पासाङ शेर्पा, समीर मुखिया आदिले सम्बोधन गरेका थिए।
आजको जनसभामा उपस्थित गोजमुमो समुह्माझ सभापछि अझ बडी कौतुहलता बडेको र सत्यता चाहि के हो भन्ने प्रश्न खडा भएको थाहा लागेको छ।