Partha Mukhia, Darjeeling Times, Darjeeling, May 1: May Day or Labour Day has its origins in the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. Every year Darjeeling observes May Day by holding street marches and demonstrations by working class people and their labour unions.
However, it is now also the opportunity to demonstrate the strength of political party, usually whose based upon garden people or working class people. CPRM the second largest political party of the hills is generally celebrates the May Day every year in a grand way. Almost 200 vehicles across the hills participated in the May Day rally held in Darjeeling today, however, participants from the town seems insignificant.
Apart from the welfare of the labours, CPRM categorically rejected the GTA Agreement and its implementation in the hills. However, CPRM believes that Gorkhaland is only solution for the identity and development of Gorkhas residing all over India.
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